Friday, 4 September 2020
Life cycle of planets
Life cycle of planets
1.After millions of years or billions in the case of our planets the star around which it orbits dies and in dying expands.
2.Swallowing up the planet cand in some what poetic cycle the planet once again become dust and gas as it is destroyed in the process.
3. Planets don't have life cycles, stars are dynamic objects depending on their composition and mass.
Life Cycle of a butterflies
Life cycle of butterflies 11/08/20
The life cycle of a butterfly starts through a process.There are four stages of the life cycle of a butterfly: the egg, larva, pupa and adult.
The egg hatches
With most species when eggs begin to turn dark they will soon hatch. It may take an hour to two days after turning dark depending upon the species.
When the egg hatches the caterpillar lives for 2-5 weeks the caterpillar on the right is in its fifth instar and will soon pupate or molt one last time to become a chrysalis.
Butterflies make a chrysalis while other insects like the tobacco hornworm caterpillar makes a cocoon and becomes a moth they will stay and transform over time into a butterfly or a moth.
Butterflies have 4 stages when it turns into a caterpillar they stay like that for 2-5 weeks.