Friday, 5 June 2020

Votes for Women

Votes for Women
1. How old do you need to be to vote in a general election in Britain today?

2. Why were women not allowed to vote in the 19th century?

3. In which year did John Stuart Mill propose a bill to give women equal voting rights?

4. What does the word ‘suffrage’ mean? 

5. What kind of protest methods did the NUWSS use?

6. How did the suffragettes’ methods differ from those used by the suffragists?

7. What is Emily Wilding Davison remembered for?

8. Explain what ‘The Cat and Mouse Act’ was.

9. What did the suffragettes do from 1914 onwards and why?

10. In which year were all women over 21 given the same voting rights as men?

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