Friday, 27 March 2020

Diamante Poem

This Is my Diamante Poem I did it about home.

Cinquain Poem

Arcostic Poem

This week Miss power sent us Poetry Anthology we have to do 6 poems. Here's my Acrostic Poem I did my one about summer 

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Task 2 Spring Tide

This week in T1 I have been working on Mistletoe Bay Study I'm on task 2 We had to chose a word and Define the word I chose Spring tide.

Sesting Poems

This Week we have been Doing Sesting Poems We got To think of something when we were little.If we could't think of anything we would have to make it up.
Image result for This is just to sayThis is just to say template:

I have Stolen
The Easter Egg
That were In the supermarket 

And which 
You were
Not going to buy me one

Forgive me
They were
Too tempting
So Tasty
And so Sweet

Tuesday, 17 March 2020


 This week we have been doing Limerick Poems.
Limerick Poem
There was once a cat named pat
That sat all day on a mat 
He ate a carrot 
And felt like a parrot

Thats one weird Cat call pat

Limerick Poem

 This Week we have been doing limerick Poems.
Image result for Limerick poemsWALT:write a Limerick
Limerick Poem
There was an old man in a boat
Who said i'm afloat i'm afloat
When they said no you aint
He was ready to faint

The unhappy old man in a boat 

Monday, 16 March 2020

Mistletoe Bay Map

Last week T1 went to camp. On the way there we took 4 stops Reefton, Havelock, Murchison, St Arnauds. We had to mark on the map all the stops.

Friday, 6 March 2020

Diamante Poem

Haiku Poem

This week T1 we have been doing Haiku Poems, I chose Spring. This is my Haiku Poem.  A haiku has 5 syllables in the first line, 7 syllables in the second line and 5 syllables in the last line.