Friday 25 August 2017

Term 3 literacy, Reflection,

This week for literacy I have found some facts of Picasso. He has  become one of the greatest and most influential artists of the 20th century and the creator (with Georges Braque) of Cubism. A Spanish expatriate painter, sculptor, print maker, ceramicist and stage designer, Picasso was considered radical in his work.



  1. Well done Allie, I like how you have included some of the artists work and you have given a lot of information about the artist. Your presentation would have been stronger if you wrote the information in your own words, and what do you think of his art?

  2. Well done Allie! I like how there was lots of information.The best part is that you show lots of pictures.

    Next time you could add more color to make your blogs stand out.

    Did you like this activity?

    I remember having to do this to I did Van Goth.


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.